Monday, November 14, 2011

Capital Food Fight

What Tony Bourdain really hates
Is when cooking becomes a rat race
He can't stand Bobby Flays
But he loves to fundraise
And with who else but Jose Andres?

(yeah, yeah, I second limerick and I'm already resorting to awkward pluralization of names and slant rhymes? well, get used to it.)

Last week I had the privilege of attending Capital Food Fight, an annual fundraiser for DC Central Kitchen (an awesome group, btw, if you are feeling charitable/guilty during the holidays and are looking to donate money: The event as a whole was incredible: around 1300 well-dressed people in the Ronald Reagan Building socializing, posturing, and most of all, eating! Something in the range of 50-60 restaurants were in attendance, providing hundreds upon hundreds of delicious and relatively bite-sized dishes. The variation was astounding, from sushi to etouffee to sliders, and everything was ridiculously tasty.

The highlight of the event for me (beyond the food and the open bar) was the main attraction: a series of ten-minute iron-chef style cookoffs between DC area chefs (and a few secret celebrities). The cooking itself was fun and impressive...if I could make dishes half as good in twice the time, I would be a very, very happy person. The best part, though, was definitely the hosts.

Anthony Bourdain and Jose Andres have both had Food Network shows, have cooked all over the world, written cookbooks, blah blah. They're great chefs. More importantly, they were just hilarious at this event. From politics (making fun of Rick Perry) to the world of entertainment (Kim Kardashian's body came up a number of times) to wonderfully inappropriate humor (I think Jose Andres probably compared every piece of meat that was cooked to boobs at some point), they just got funnier and funnier as the night went on.

If you're ever in DC for this event in the future, I highly recommend it. Tons of fun.

...and I'm back.

Guess it wasn't too hard to foresee
That I'd want to share stuff about me
Though this blog trend's bizarre
Think I like it so far
So I'm back with Limericks from DC!

Due to a random string of relatively nonspecific cues, it looks like I've decided to actually use this blog again.

Back story: it was a thing I did for like a week and a half a while ago, then it stopped being a thing for a long time, now it is again (in theory). I like the idea, mainly because I'm strangely attracted to the syllabic/rhyming rules in limericks. Plus they're short, so I don't really have to work too hard. Probably the only way I could work less hard would be by writing haikus or acrostics, but they don't have any sorts of fun rhyming, so they're out. Plus, what's with haikus? Don't understand the draw. I guess I just don't get it.

So...why start again now? I'm not really sure. I've read a bunch of good books lately that I want to talk about, so I guess that's one reason. Some people told me recently that I should friend my mom on facebook, so maybe this is a pushback against that (look, mom! You can still read about me on the internet! Aren't you excited?!). Sometimes I read articles/watch videos/see pictures that I actually have a longer-than-140-character opinion on.

Blogs are weird. They are definitely a step down the slippery slope of narcissism (although I'd still rate them as slightly less obnoxious than college essays and cover letters in terms of expecting others to listen to you tell them how great you are). But I have friends with blogs all over the world these days, and I like that they have a handy treasure trove of stories and day-to-day thoughts for me to read when I can't talk to them as often as I'd like. So I guess that's the real reason to get restarted here: it feels odd, but maybe some people I haven't seen in a while will occasionally enjoy hearing about my hijinks. Or maybe they're just looking for a good book to read. There's also the possibility that no one will actually read this except for my mom, but to me that's a good enough reason to write it.

Anyway, I'm back.